Amanuntul biography samples
ROA2 - Liquid foliar fertilizer with bio-stimulant and process for its preparation - Google Patents
Invenția titta refera la o compoziție dem ingrasamant lichid foliar conținând macroelemente, microelemente si biostimulant betainic si la un procedeu de obținere a invention relates to a composition of foliar liquid fertilizer containing macroelements, microelements and betainic biostimulant and to a process for making it.
Sunt cunoscute din literatura de brevete (RO , RO , RO , RO ), o serie de procedee de obținere de compoziții fertilizante lichide cu aplicare foliara, conținând macroelementele azot, fosfor, potasiu, precum si o serie de microelemente esențiale, ca fier, mangan, cupru, bor, cobalt, zinc etc. Procedeeele constau in in general in neutralizarea in faza apoasa a acidului fosforic sau azotic cu amoniac, carbonat sau hidroxid dem potasiu, cu adaugare de uree pentru asigurarea necesarului de azot amidic, iar la soluția astfel preparata se adauga microelementele sub forma de s
Jozsef Farkas
Des, Romania
Interviewer: Emoke Major
Date of interview: July – August
For the interview, I met with Jozsef Farkas at the headquarters of the Jewish Community in Des.
Since March he has been the president of the Jewish Community, and goes to work conscientiously every morning at 8am.
From the first meeting he seemed to be a calm, patient man.
I associated kindness to his white hair and small stature, and he confirmed these features during the interview.
I didn’t know my family from my father’s side. My grandfather’s name was Alexander Farkas. My paternal grandparents had passed away before I was born. From what my father related about them, I think they lived in Jaravize [50km north-west of Torda], and their children were also born there.
My father had many siblings: they were four brothers and four sisters. One of the four brothers, Armin Farkas, lived in Torda, where he was a carrier, and had a had three daughters and a son, but aft
Many have asked about the historical role of Romanian Jewish subjects that came from other countries. Below is a sample article.
History of the Sudits of Romania
by Robert S. Sherins, M.D.
As a result of economic decline during the 18 th century, princes of the autonomous Romanian provinces of Moldavia and Wallachia instituted a unique socio-economic plan. Foreign professionals, merchants, artisans, and craftsmen were encouraged to immigrate to Romania given incentive by special tax-free privileges and the legal protection of the foreign governments of their origin. Neither citizenship nor property rights were granted, but the exceptional tax-free privileges conferred a status that provided enormous economic advantages over the indigenous population. Eventually, even the princes and nobility sought sudit privileges in order to remain commercially competitive with the new immigrant merchants and banke