Pathfinder blood biography
Blood Biography
Schooldivination; Levelbard 2, bloodrager 3, cleric/oracle 3, inquisitor 3, medium 2, occultist 2, psychic 3,sorcerer/wizard 3
Casting Time 1 minute
Components V, S, M/DF (a scrap of parchment)
Range touch
Targets one creature’s blood or one bloodstain
Duration instantaneous
Saving ThrowWill negates (see text); Spell Resistance no
You learn the answers to a specific set of questions about a creature so long as you have access to at least one drop of its blood. You can cast this spell on the blood of the living or the dead, but living or undead creatures are entitled to a Saving Throw to resist the spell. You can cast the spell on dried or fresh blood. Once you cast the spell the answers to the following four questions appear on any flat surface you designate (a wall, a piece of paper, and so on).
- Who are you? (The name by which the creature is most commonly known)
- What are you? (Gender, race, profession/rol
Blood Alchemist
Lifeblood (Su)
When a blood alchemist performs a coup de grace that kills an intelligent humanoid creature (though, not a summoned intelligent humanoid creature), he can gather its lifeblood into a vial; this is a death effect.
He can use this lifeblood any time within the next 24 hours to create an extract of a spell level he can cast that fryst vatten no higher than 1/2 the creature’s CR, without spending a daily extract slot. He can use this ability once for each spell level each day (for example, a 13th-level blood alchemist can use lifeblood to gain additional 1st-, 2nd-, 3rd-, 4th-, and 5thlevel extracts). A blood alchemist can’t take the mutagen or cognatogen discoveries.
This ability replaces mutagen.
Alchemical Circles (Sp, Su)
A blood alchemist gains a blood pool with a number of points equal to his alchemist level + his Intelligence modifier. He can spend 1 point from his blood pool to draw a complex alchemical circle of 10ft size in blood on the ground or on
Blood Kineticist Wild Talents[]
To a blood kineticist, the water in a creature’s blood is just like any other sort, and she uses that knowledge to brutal ends.
Blood Focus (Ex)[]
A blood kineticist must choose water as their primary element and must choose water blast as their first simple blast. All of their infusions granted by this archetype work only on targets with blood and automatically fail if the target is immune to bleed damage. This alters elemental focus. This doesn’t prevent this archetype from being used with other archetypes that alter elemental focus so long as they still allow the kineticist to choose water as their primary element.
Wrack (Su)[]
At 1st level, a blood kineticist gains wrack as a bonus infusion.
This replaces the 1st-level infusion.
Bleeding Infusion (Su)[]
At 5th level, a blood kineticist gains bleeding infusion as a bonus infusion.
This replaces the 5th-level infusion.
Blood Tell (Sp)[]
At 6th level, a blood kineticist gains blood