Youssef courbage biography
Youssef Courbage
Born in Aleppo in , Youssef Courbage graduated in Demography and Urban Planning at the Sorbonne and Dauphine Universities, France. In he was appointed as researcher then research director at the National Institute of Demographic Studies in Paris. He has been continuously a member of this Institute, except in when he headed the Department of Contemporary Studies at the French Institute of the Near East (IFPO) in Beirut. His publications number more than works (scholarly articles, reports and books), among which Al-Filastīniyyūn fī al-‘ālam, dirāsa dīmūghrāfiyya (The Palestinians in the World, a Demographic Study, Arab Centre for Research and Policy Studies, , with Hala Naufal) and A Convergence of Civilizations: The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World (Columbia University Press, , with Emmanuel Todd).
The authors' biography is up-to-date as of the date the gods article was published
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Youssef Courbage
As part of our What Purpose Free Speech When No One Listens? programme, The Mosaic Rooms is delighted to present Youssef Courbage on:
Wednesday 30th May , 7pm
Although much has been written about the economic and political origins of the upheavals in the Arab World, little has been said about their demographic dynamics. Youssef Courbages ground-breaking book, A Convergence of Civilisations – The Transformation of Muslim Societies Around the World, co-authored with the eminent French anthropologist Emmanuel Todd and published in , foresaw inevitable change in the distrikt through the uniquely original perspective of demography and anthropology, anticipating profound change on the grund of, for example, fundamental shifts in levels of female literacy levels, drops in the national birth rates, changing marital patterns, evolving family structures etc.
Youssef Courbage will be discussing this ground-breaking work in light of the Arab upheavals, as well as con