Saint augustine brief biography examples

  • How did st augustine die
  • 5 facts about st. augustine the person
  • St augustine philosophy summary
  • In Tagaste, Augustine, Adeodatus, and several of their companions prayed, worked, and lived together in fellowship. They shared their insights about Scripture and the Christian yrke and learned from one another.

    After three years, Augustine was called to become a priest while on a visit to the city of Hippo, about 50 miles from Tagaste. This was contrary to what Augustine might have chosen for himself, but he still chose to accept what he believed was God’s will for him.

    In Hippo, Augustine established a monastic community that he directed while assisting the bishop, Valerius. Several years later, Augustine succeeded Valerius as head of the diocese.

    Augustine was hesitant to move into the bishop’s house, since he did not want to disturb the peace of the monastic community. At this point, Augustine wrote his Rule for the community’s continued direction. He then established a third community for clerics in his new episcopal residence. Thus, from the time of hi

    Augustine of Hippo

    Christian theologian and philosopher (354–430)

    "Augustine", "Saint Augustine", and "Augustinus" redirect here. For other uses, see Augustine (disambiguation), Saint Augustine (disambiguation), and Augustinus (disambiguation).

    Vida de San Agustín


    Agustín (354-430), argelino, nació de padre pagano, Patricio, y de madre cristiana, Mónica. Se educó en las ciudades norteafricanas de Tagaste, Madaura y Cartago. La Iglesia católica lo acogió mediante el bautismo en 387. Fue ordenado presbítero de Hipona en 391 y obispo de la ciudad en 395. El día 24 de agosto de 410 entraron en Roma, por la puerta Salaria, las tropas de Alarico, saqueándola a hierro y fuego. Esta desgracia motivó que Agustín predicase su Sermón sobre la caída de Roma y escribiera La ciudad de Dios. Dos decenios después, las huestes de Genserico asediaron Hipona, donde su obispo murió en 430.

    Su niñez

    Agustín vino al mundo el 13 de noviembre de 354 en Tagaste, pequeña ciudad de Numidia en el África romana. Esa población argelina se llama hoy Souk-Ahras. Aunque no fue bautizado de niño, Mónica le enseñó los rudimentos de la religión cristiana y, al ver cómo el hijo se separaba de ellos a medida que crecía, se entregó a la oració

  • saint augustine brief biography examples
  • Saint

    Augustine of Hippo

    Saint Augustin bygd Philippe de Champaigne, c. 1645

    BornAurelius Augustinus
    13 November 354
    Thagaste, Numidia Cirtensis, långnovell Empire
    Died28 August 430 (aged 75)
    Hippo Regius, Numidia Cirtensis, Western långnovell Empire
    Resting placePavia, Italy
    Venerated inAll Christian denominations which venerate saints
    Major shrineSan Pietro in Ciel d'Oro, Pavia, Italy
    AttributesCrozier, mitre, young child, book, small church, flaming or pierced heart[1]

    Philosophy career
    Notable work
    RegionWestern philosophy
    Notable studentsPaul Orosius
    Prosper of Aquitaine

    Main interests