Youra guller biography of williams

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  • Ara Güler was born in in Istanbul.
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    Ara Güler

    Ara Güler was born in in Istanbul. Internationally renowned, he is considered the most important representative of creative photography in Turkey. During his childhood, he was strongly influenced by cinema. He worked at film studios while he was at high-school. He graduated from the Getronagan High-School in He began to receive drama and acting training under Muhsin Ertuğrul. He wanted to become a director, or a playwright. During this period his short stories and interviews were published in literature magazines and Armenian newspapers. He attended the Faculty of Economics at Istanbul University, however, deciding to become a photojournalist, he quit university. He began his career in journalism in , at the Yeni İstanbul [‘New Istanbul’] newspaper. He worked as the Near East photojournalist for Time LifeParis Match and Stern. He joined Magnum Photos. His photo-interview on Noah’s Ark was distributed by Magnum Photos to more than a hundred publications. During t

    Ara Güler’s Istanbul is a vivid photographic record of daily life in the cultural capital of Turkey from the s to the s. Captured through the unerring lens of the award-winning Ara Güler, the 'Eye of Istanbul', the city's melancholy aesthetic oscillates between tradition and modernity. As the crossroads between Europe and Asia, Istanbul has lived through several empires and has a character that is as many-layered as its history - something that Güler's photographs convey with great sensitivity. These remarkable black-and-white images are accompanied by an evocative foreword by Orhan Pamuk, the first Turkish recipient of the Nobel Prize in Literature.

    Both writer and photographer were born in Istanbul, and each in his youth held the ambition of becoming a painter. Here, each in his own way paints a brushless picture of his home town and captures, through the image and the word, its very soul.

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  • youra guller biography of williams