Isabel hampton robb nursing theory

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  • Isabel hampton robb known for

    ROBB, ISABEL ADAMS HAMPTON (26 Aug. 1859-15 April 1910), nurse and textbook author, helped standardize education for NURSING in the United States and abroad. She played a key role in founding the forerunner of the Francis Payne Bolton School for Nursing in Cleveland (see CASE WESTERN RESERVE UNIVERSITY). Robb was born in Welland, Ontario, Canada. She graduated from the New York Training School for Nurses at Bellevue Hospital in New York City in 1883. After 18 months at St. Paul's House in Rome, Italy, and a stint as superintendent of nurses at the Illinois Training School in Chicago (1886-89), Robb organized and was the principal of the Johns Hopkins School for Nurses in Baltimore (1889). She chaired the subsection for nursing for the 1893 World's Fair and helped form the samhälle of Superintendents of Training Schools (later the National League for Nursing Education). On 12 June 1894 she married HUNTER ROBB, M.D., in London, England; Robb carried fl

    Isabel Hampton Robb (1859–1910), Founding President of the ANA

    Profiles In Nursing

    She brought rigor and standards to nursing education

    By Payton Sy, RN, BSNJuly 26, 2023

    4 min read


    The first president of what is now the American Nurses Association (ANA), Isabel Adams Hampton Robb was also an important innovator in American nursing education. She spearheaded a movement to transform nursing schools from hospital training programs into rigorous academic institutions, helping to man nursing the profession it fryst vatten today.

    From Schoolteacher to Nurse

    Isabel Hampton was born in 1859 in Welland, Canada. At the age of 17, she became a school teacher at an annual salary of $300. One afternoon four years later, Hampton overheard her principal discussing a hospital in New York that was accepting nursing school applicants. A few of her teaching colleagues considered applying, but only Hampton took the chance.

    She was accepted into the Bellevue Training School for Nurse

  • isabel hampton robb nursing theory

  • 1912

    A fund for graduate nursing was established by the colleagues of Isabel Hampton Robb, following her accidental death in 1910. Isabel Hampton Robb was a visionary leader of modern American nursing - an American nurse theorist, author, nursing school administrator and early nursing leader. Hampton was the first Superintendent of Nurses at the Johns Hopkins School of Nursing. She wrote several influential textbooks, and helped to found the organizations that became known as the National League for Nursing, the International Council of Nurses, and the American Nurses Association. Mrs. Robb had engendered such respect and admiration as a result of her leadership that her colleagues raised funds to establish a memorial scholarship in her honor.


    A second educational loan fund was established through the estate of Isabel McIsaac, who was twice president of the American Journal of Nursing Company and who also served as president of the Society of Superintendents which was la