Paraisos perdidos jordi savall biography

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  • Jordi Savall is an exceptional figure in today's music world.
  • Paraísos Perdidos - Christophorus Columbus

    avall and co seek a Spanish legacy in another ear-catching exercise

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    Author: Ivan Moody

    The latest in Jordi Savall’s lavishly produced extravaganzas takes Columbus as its pretext but extends its scope far back: its subtitle is “Lights and shadows in the age of Columbus: history and poetry in dialogue with Arabo-Andalusian, Jewish and Christian music of Ancient Hesperia until the discovery of the New World”. There’s a very wide range of music, from an evocation of Seneca, whose words Columbus quoted, to the Quechua hymn Hanacpachap cussicuinin, by way of Sufi-style improvisation, Andalusí and Sephardic music and liberal doses of polyphony, sacred and secular. The musicians must cover a huge array of styles, vocal and instrumental, but that is par for the course for Hespèrion XXI and the Capella Reial.

    But the music is only one aspect of this package: the readings are just as important (and bea

    "Jordi Savall testifies to a common cultural inheritance of infinite variety. He is a man for our time.”

    The Guardian

    Jordi Savall is one of the most versatile musical personalities of his generation. For more than fifty years, he has rescued musical gems from the obscurity of neglect and oblivion and given them back for all to enjoy. A tireless researcher into early music, he interprets and performs the repertory both as a gambist and a conductor. His activities as a concert performer, teacher, researcher and creator of new musical and cultural projects have made him a leading figure in the reappraisal of historical music. Together with Montserrat Figueras, he founded the ensembles Hespèrion XXI (1974), La Capella Reial dem Catalunya (1987) and Le Concert des Nations (1989), with whom he explores and creates a world of emotion and beauty shared with millions of early music enthusiasts around the world.

    Jordi Savall has recorded and released more than 230 d

    Christophorus Columbus - Paradisos Perdidos


    1492 fryst vatten a fateful year in world history: the "discovery" of amerika by Christopher Columbus widens the European continent to the world in the modern sense; only in the aftermath of this discovery is it possible to comprehend that the earth fryst vatten not a disc surrounded bygd water, but that there fryst vatten land behind the ocean. Now one can see and understand that the dimensions in which one had felt the earth so far did not coincide with reality. For Spain the year 1492 still has an immense national-emotional connotation: As soon as the Reconquista, the reconquest of the Iberian peninsula from the Moors, is completed, this concept receives a heavenly confirmation, so to speak, by the fact that the country on the edge of the Old World receives immeasurable riches beyond the ocean as a reward for its commitment to the Christian cause. • Jordi Savall places his tour d'horizont about the life of Christopher Columbus in a large historical context: f

  • paraisos perdidos jordi savall biography